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Stay In Chat After Closing Popup Chat Window

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There are times when I want to switch from the normal to popup view.

When I close the popup window, it would be nice if I can remain in chat instead of logging me out.

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Hi Michael,

I see. So it is doing what it's supposed to do...

When I open the chat in the popup window the page redirects me to the forum index.

When I close the chat window, while technically I'm still in the chat, I have to enter the Babble page to get back in.

It would be nice if there is a way, so that there aren't duplicate notifications, when I close the popup window it automatically redirects me to the Babble page/chat that I was in.

Is that possible?

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if you close out the pop out you are "leaving" the chat, you are removed from the online list for that room almost immediately and the room is notified of your departure. 

there is a lot of security setting in between the pop out and the main window, that is built into the browser that would more than likely block what you are suggesting, but i'll see if there is something that can be done, but i wont promise this being added in. 

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