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Menu Bug

Not a Bug 2.6.4

ACP > Menu Manager

Selecting users that can see the Babble/Chat menu item has no effect.  Guests and my banned and inactive member groups can see the menu item even though they are not allowed.  Clicking through reveals the error message that they are not allowed to see the default room.


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IPS's menu manger is a bit weird, go to System->applications, find babble in the list, click on the arrow beside Babble, the Babble Module will appear, click on the lock next to it, and set the permissions who can view it. or go to the menu manage and manage who can see it. the reason this is, is cause you can have multiple rooms, and there might be rooms that admins and moderators have access too, but not regular members, so you would still want them to be able to access the app/module.

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