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Service not working

Closed 2.6.1

Hi Michael,

I have just downloaded the 2.6.1 version and the chat is not working at all.

It fails to ever connect, and just has the Connecting... screen permanently there but never connects.

It is like this for all users.

Please advise.

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Yes, I had this enabled.

I just did a test and turned off the option in Layouts > Enable Counts to off and cleared the forum cache, but it's still not working :(

Thanks for your help.

Just a note, it was connecting yesterday morning then suddenly stopped.  Although the connection was still taking a long time before, now it won't connect at all. 


Edited by Stormlilly

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yeah i thought it was the forcing websockets only, but now i am not sure. I've isolated it to it emitting the online list.  hopefully i can get it solved soon. 

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I am not sure, but whatever was changed yesterday shortly after I posted the Connection issue has stopped the connection altogether.  If that helps.

It is an awesome application, we were really enjoying it up until it stopped.   Look forward to the fix :) thanks again.

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