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Ipad landscape view

Closed 4.2.0 4.2.1

On default skin and custom skin, when viewed on ipad landscape and scrolling down, the menu goes to the left then up and when scrolling back up it hesitate between top and where it should be. 

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yeah i've noticed the "docking" acting a bit weird here too. well the primary menu any way, when i was using the "header" menu with the other skin i had, i didn't notice the issues. i think it might be the "hybrid" nature of the primary menu, using in part the IPS CSS and my own, where the header uses almost only my css. 

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6 hours ago, Michael said:

btw @Steph40 this version also the one that has the "downloads plus" addon, so it  can generate links to the "support" tab, like i have done here. 

Super job, Thank you!

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