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4.2 App compatibility list


Name 2 Avatars - yes

Babble - latest version

Media - no

Keywords - untested

Downloads plus - no, new version soon

CJ Duplicate Member Logger - untested, but it should be.

Storm - Latest dev version pulled from GIThub.

Smooth Scroller - yes

CJ Menu - no

Edited by Michael

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Keywords - untested --- Causes an error when editing members groups.

Downloads plus - no, new version soon -- Looking forward for that one to be.


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14 hours ago, InsideEdge said:

Are you planning to upgrade CJmenu for 4.2?   Any approx timeline?

yes i am planning on it, it needs a bit of work overall. cjmenu was my first app for IPS 4, so there were some mistakes made with it. then i added a bunch of stuff to it, and now it is this "mess" of code that needs some TLC. i will probably this weekend get the CSS worked out for it, and then start work on a CJ Menu 5. 

4 hours ago, Steph40 said:

Keywords - untested --- Causes an error when editing members groups.


yeah its the content router, it use to expect the parameter passed to it to be a \IPS\Member object or something, now there is no type casting to it, and they pass i think \IPS\Member\Group to it. shouldn't be a big fix, but there are a few features i want to get added to it as well. keywords and cj menu get kinda ignored for long periods cause they are relatively stable thru updates. 

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20 hours ago, Michael said:

keywords and cj menu get kinda ignored for long periods cause they are relatively stable thru update

And that's ok, don't need to fix something that is not broken :)

But new they are :(

I didn't really use keywords like I wanted to anyways, wanted use it to sponsor some keywords but my community is too small for now. Might be nice to link keywords to commerce for that instead of doing it manually, just a thought.


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3 hours ago, Steph40 said:

I didn't really use keywords like I wanted to anyways, wanted use it to sponsor some keywords but my community is too small for now. Might be nice to link keywords to commerce for that instead of doing it manually, just a thought.


I have a client i built a custom version of keywords for, that it takes all the titles from one pages database, and makes keywords out of 'em. so when they get used in another pages database, they get linked and anchors built at the bottom of the page, kinda like a "citations" list on wikipedia. 

another client uses it for advertisements and coupon codes, so when something goes on sale at say target or walmart, he reactivates the keyword, puts the ad info or coupon code in it. he also uses it to insert affiliate links in to his content, so if some one wants to buy something say from amazon, they see it linked in an article or the forums, they click on it and it takes them to his affiliate link. 

there are a lot of uses for it :) i guess it is where i'm going with this. i'm always amazed what people do with my stuff. like cjmenu, i know this one guy who built a custom menu group, and placed it at the bottom of his website and uses the icon upload feature to put up a comic strip each week. another client uses the same feature, but uses it to show award icons won for their organization, then uses the same feature again, to show sponsors and affiliates in the footer. another person uses the "magic block" feature, to show important announcements and/or latest updates/news to the site and for the hobby he host the website for.  so yeah, if you use my stuff in a unique way, let me know, i always get a kick out of it :) 

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