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users stuck in chat

Closed 2.6.4

Hello Michael - Hope everything is well

I have 1 user that is stuck in the chat on both locations - even if he is not there.

On the other location I have 2 users that is stuck there. Impossible to kick them as well. Might bee needed for a restart there?

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they've been restarted earlier today.

I am not sure why this would happen, i will be looking into why this is happening (as i've tried to duplicate it, as others have reported it).

the user is connected by their connection id, when node detects that connection id being remove it should also remove the user. might have to setup a service that goes thru the active connection and remove all the ones that don't match up.

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I know you don't want to deal with this issue, made changes with the last update, more to come with the next (whenever that is)...

But, I still have users stuck in chat... some for days.  currently the oldest is from Friday at 8:30am, it's Monday, 11:45pm.  There are 4 that I can see for sure that are a day or more and still showing in chat, but not online.

I'm glad to be patient if I have knowledge that there is a resolution down the road.  I simply don't know how to answer my users inquiries/complaints and simply have to say that it is a "known" issue and will be corrected in a future release. sorry.

Honestly, looking for some update/dialog on what is happening with the new version and the future in general.... not much current news here.

I appreciate what you do, and I am sure it will only get better.



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looking at the data from your site, i'm showing them with Timestamps from the last 10 minutes. the only way for them to get updated TS's, is if they have the window open on babble. I don't know what else to do with it, i've looked at how other chats, like rocket chat handles it, it is almost identical to how i am doing it now. i would say they are indeed there, just not active on your site.

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Okay Michael, If you say so.  Not sure how they can be there if they are not on the site.  The timeout for Babble is less than the timeout for the site.  But since I really don't know how either Babble of Invision handles sessions, I have to rely on your and their expertise.  I never had users stuck in any other chat services before, and I have tried most of them.  Your product fits best.  While it may sound like I am being critical, I am actually just reporting information as seen from my end.  It is also my perception that the "User List" is a real thorn in your side....  but to your customers and our users... the chat would be worthless without it.


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I'll take another look this weekend (as rumor has it 4.3 is gonna be released tomorrow, and so i'll be busy with upgrades this week and releasing updates for apps (as babble still outstanding cause of the emoji update).

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Any luck with this Michael?  I'd like to move back to the NA server.  I moved to the EU server on the 17th and every time I try to go back to NA, 9 phantom users are added back into the room.  I'm sure you have plenty on your plate with 4.3 upgrades etc, but seems like there should be some sort of solution for this even if it is a service reset every X hours?

Thanks for all you do.


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i walked across every line in the babble.js for the chat service line by line several times this weekend and i couldn't find anything wrong with it. i even setup my computers in the house (including my phone and tablets) on a local network with access to NA chat service. spent various times thru out the day of logging out/in, letting them go idle, switching users, even went as far as having at least 3 tabs open per person and had each user in multiple rooms (not everyone in the same room).

then i attempted to simulate every possible way i could think of how to disconnect (forced shutdown, unhooking the ethernet cable, force kill of the browser, switching to wifi networks from cellular and back,  power savers, going to sleep/standby. at one point i even had taken my old laptop, removed the battery, switched from hardwire to wifi, then force killed the browser and then immediately unplugged the power supply) and after all that. every user was removed from the online list after their time had expired (set them to update their online time every 30 seconds and then only by 2 minutes so i wasn't waiting for it to happen hours later) or when they moved out of the room/page/closed the browser (as long as it was their only or last presence in that room)

at this point the only thing i can think of, that there is a server configuration i didn't plan for. maybe the user data is getting cached some how and shared to guest (via IPS output caching or something on the server that i am not aware of) or it could be cloduflare in some fashion or one of the other front end caching services that can play havoc with real time data.

however even tho i couldn't find anything wrong with the code, i did see 2 ways i could improve it easily without rolling out a new version and then blocking previous versions and/or rewriting it again. I will be implementing these changes tonight at midnight my time (12 am central standard time/ -6 UTC), so the chat services will be unavailable for a short time later tonight (it shouldn't take long, 10 minutes at most to upgrade both).

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The upgrade/restart of the service cleared the 9 stuck users.  I'll follow and keep you apprised if I see anything out of the ordinary.  Hoping that it did!


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