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Suggestion - Room Listing

  • Babble 2.1.3 Possible Feature Suggestion

Hi @Michael -

I have a suggestion.  First of all, I'm not sure if you are familiar with DISCORD or not.  Reason I bring it up is I'd like to see if you could emulate the layout a bit.

I think it would be extremely useful to have a ROOM listing to the left of the chat window, and the user listing to the right like in the attached image:


Is this possible.  I would even PAY you for this modification.  I am presently trying to get folks away from Discord as it's actually hurting site traffic. Started off as a great thing and has turned into a monster. Many members have said, if the room listing was visible to the right they would be happy.  What can I say.. picky members.  But yes I would be interested in working out a price to have this custom done if it wasn't in the card for a standard release.


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I've heard of discord, but i've never used it, i'm a skype junky (the (monkey) won me over).

I'm not opposed to the idea of doing it this way, as 3.0.0 (but that is months away), was going to include a UI revamp (as there are issues with the layout. like i've heard from a lot of people, it feels and looks old, like its from the mid 2000's, and i can't argue with that, as it was modeled to feel like the IPS chat, which was a mistake imho).

if you are serious about a paid addon for now, hit me up in PM we can discuss there.

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