Just upgraded to 4.2, let me know if you find any issues. oh what you think of the cats? a new addition to names 2 avatars, i think i'll keep 'em what you all think ?
Update: the service will be up later tonight, I am -6 UTC, i hope to having up before midnight my time (which is 9 hours away), but a few components i made, were built on 4.1 and i am needing to update them for 4.2 (minor changes, shouldn't take long, but i will want to test them first).
I will be launching the long awaited Babble Chat service on Monday 7/31/2017. I had plans on doing it today, but that was before a violent storm decided to tear thru my neighborhood and now has left me without power since Saturday night at around 9pm (i am still without power, but at a friends so i could get some work done). So i was unable to get all the pieces put together like I wanted too on sunday to get the chat service rolling today.
I will continue to support both types of babble (the self hosted and the service) but i will no longer be offering the babble self hosted version for sale to the general public, unless they want to pay $500 for it (however if you are interested in the self hosted version, contact me first, the price will be much lower than what is listed, same with renewal). the reasons for this are many, but to put it simply I've grown weary of the complaints from either non-technical people, people who don't see that it has special requirements and/or people who misunderstand that it isn't going to be a free service like IPS had. I might put together a "free version" later, but at this point i haven't given it much thought. unlike IPS I am not a corporation with thousands of clients, where i can offer something like this free of charge.
I also do not plan on making great amounts of money off of the service. most of the renewal, along with the purchase price, goes towards the application and its maintenance. out of the $25 every six month renewal, the actual service is about $9 per license (the service is actual at cost) the rest goes to my time involved in updates/new features/support.
Current Self Hosted/Trial Service:
if you are currently a self host client and would be interested in the service, please contact me and i can explain in further details the terms of it will be. If you are in the current trial service, please contact me ASAP so i can see if you will continue to use the service, if so, so i get you setup. I sent out an email, but i have only heard back from a few people.
Name 2 Avatars - yes
Babble - latest version
Media - no
Keywords - untested
Downloads plus - no, new version soon
CJ Duplicate Member Logger - untested, but it should be.
Storm - Latest dev version pulled from GIThub.
Smooth Scroller - yes
CJ Menu - no
I have been sick for the past few weeks and haven't been able to take care of bug reports or develop much. I am better this week, but still a bit below normal, so i will do my best to get to everyone's issues sometime this week.
With IPS removing chat service next year form their application lineup. this leaves a lot of site owners out in the dark in what to do, how to replace it if it is vital to their community, and with a lot of the third party solutions being expensive or requiring a lot of setup, I have decided to see if having babble as a SAS (software as a service) is worth the time and effort it will require to get all setup. you can help me out by joining the trial. somethings to keep in mind:
you will need to purchase babble from here or from the IPS market place (if you purchase it here, i can offer you a discount on it, but please contact me before purchasing it as i will not be doing partial refunds after the fact).
you agree to only use babble during this time period (as the point of this trial is to determine what sort of infrastructure i need to create, this includes what sort of servers and their resources).
you also agree to run the alpha/beta's of babble 3 and leave feedback.
you also agree that by joining the trial, that you will need to register to my site here, be apart of a special members group, so you can get access to areas that are restricted. these areas include and not limited to, bug tracker, forums, downloads, store, etc. I will also be using this group to send out emails/pm's with questions or surveys that you agree to return to me filled out/answered in a timely manner.
babble version 3 looks significantly different than babble version 2 and the way it works is also slightly different. https://codingjungle.com/roadmaps/babbles/ you can visit my roadmaps for babble, to see the changes. I will be updating it in the next few days to bring it up to date with the current state of babble version 3.
Other things to consider, if the trial is successful the service will be done on a 6 month renewal terms. none of the prices will be set in stone yet, so i can not say how much the terms will be, but i will try to make them as reasonable as possible. if this trial doesn't work out for any reason, I will offer to help any one setup their own solutions to get babble working.
if you wish to join the trial, please contact me via PM or thru the contact form. the trial will officially begin December 1st and will last 1 month to 6 months (so i can collect stats on usage, and see what is the best way to go about it).
I will be beginning work on CJ Menu 3.0 on monday. I will post a "change log" over the next few days. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please post them in the tracker as a suggestion:
Update: http://screencast.com/t/pPsxMVLCe1i the traditional menus in action.
New Features:
MM Style Mobile Menu (similar to the one found in IPS 4.x, there are limitations to this menu, as it only handles menus, so any magic block or application addon features as popular and featured are not displayed. this only applies to the mobile menu however. This is a setting in the group management, by default it will use CJ Menu's mobile menu)
add stems to sub menu
disable "cloning of menu"
import from IPS Navigation (from their menu system, not just import everything)
speed improvements
For the first 10 clients (or till the date 11/30/15) to purchase Keywords from here, can use this coupon code:
and receive a $15 USD discount.
Keywords can be found here.
I will be rebuilding the bug tracker with integration with downloads over the next few weeks, I will be using pages to do so, so if you are interested in it, please let me know I'll release the templates and database along with any hooks to you free of charge.
all I ask is that you don't repackage it and sell it, and if you make any improvements you release them as well.