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Breaking Nexus Commerce

  • CJ Duplicate Member Logger 1.0.10 CJ Duplicate Member Logger 1.0.9 Closed Bug

Hi this app breaks the Paypal IPN callback from nexus showing a page not found error but once this application is disabled it works again please fix asap

Brandon Farber

31 August 2016 - 02:36 PM



Earlier today while investigating this same issue for another client, I found that the "CJ Duplicate Member Logger" application, which you also have installed, was causing this issue.


Please disable this application and then let us know if the issue persists. Assuming disabling the application resolves the problem (as it did for the other client I mentioned), you will need to contact the author of this application for further assistance.


Brandon Farber
Invision Power Services, Inc.


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you can follow this bug report to keep track of the progress. so far its been slow as i haven't been able to catch the error, so i'm having to go thru line by line to figure out what is causing it.

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