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Babble Self Hosted End Of Life


After long consideration, I will be ending Babble Self Hosted in the near future. It wont happen immediately, I don't have a firm date, but I am looking at the second quarter of 2019 (sometime between march and end of may, probably closer to the end of may). 

The reasons i have decided to do this cause the support load for babble self hosted is incredibly high, due to the installation requirements, the amount of self host clients who have moved to the chat service, the general decline in sales for self hosted in favor of the chat service. Basically the chat service has more or less killed it off. 

People who have a self hosted purchase and current on their renewals, will continue to be able to download (even after the EOL has been reached). I will try to cancel any outstanding renewals at the time the product is EOL, but you should also check this at that time to avoid being charged for renewals. You will be allowed to run babble self hosted as long as possible, but i will not be providing updates (including bug fixes or new features).

Any self hosted client who wishes, I can move you over to the chat service now or at the time, I will offer the first 3 months or remainder of your renewal (whichever is the lesser) and after that you will receive an invoice to continue to be on the service, just let me know if you want to do this (as well which package you want, 3/6/1 year terms). 

in the near future, i will also be offering a different packages for users who will exceed the chat services 100 user, so stay tuned for those.



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I am strongly disagree with this move; I would like to have full control of my environment and also its services for my community, which is the reason why I chosen the Self Hosted options at the first place. I also update my VPS software stacks on a monthly basis and performed maintenance & cleanup tasks whenever I can so those technical hurdles are not a problem for me.

Please give me some better option for my need. My community is based in Thailand and our experience with IPS Chat in the past is quite horrible. So I don't want another SaaS that are not based near our community. Not mentioned about the excessive fee I have to paid rather than support renewal. (which I only used once since I bought the license in 2017)

P.S. FYI that NodeJS 11.0 is currently not working with Babble 2.7.4 so I have to downgrade it to 10.13.0. I did this without opening service request to you. 

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Sad to hear the self hosted version is (almost) end of life.

I understand that the self hosted version is a bit technical, but for us it is essential due to privacy concerns and EU privacy laws.

I hope the self hosted version keeps existing with (minimal) updates.

Edited by Joriz
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